Engine Crib

Month: April 2023

Why Does My Radio Turn On But No Sound?

Are you experiencing a frustrating issue with your radio where it turns on, but there…

Car AC Compressor Running But Won’t Take Freon [What to Do]

For a comfortable and safe driving experience, especially during the scorching hot summer, a functioning…

Carbon Buildup on Spark Plugs [Causes]

Perhaps you've noticed a drop in fuel efficiency, or maybe your engine just isn't running…

Car Battery Smells Like Rotten Eggs [Reasons]

As a car owner, you may have encountered a peculiar smell emanating from your vehicle's…

How To Quiet a Noisy Car AC Compressor

Noisy car AC compressors can be a pain. It has an annoying way of getting…

Pioneer Radio Won’t Turn on [5 Reasons]

Have you ever tried turning on your Pioneer radio, only to be met with frustrating…

Vinegar Smell in Car [How to Get Rid of It]

One of the most common and off-putting smells that can plague your vehicle is the…

New Alternator Not Charging Battery

Your car's alternator is responsible for charging the battery while the engine is running, and…

Where To Hit Starter With Hammer

Frustrated by the constant clicking sound when you turn the key? Many car owners experience…