Have you ever found yourself crouched down next to your car, staring at the cryptic series of numbers and letters on your tires and wondering what on earth they could mean? Imagine this: it’s a sunny Saturday, you’re checking your car before a family road trip, and your eyes catch a marking — “105H.” It sounds like something straight out of a spy movie, doesn’t it?

Well, fear not! While it might seem like a secret code, it’s actually pretty straightforward. This marking is crucial for understanding the capabilities and limitations of your tires. The “105” represents the load index, which tells you the maximum weight each tire can safely support when properly inflated.

To put it simply, it means your tire can handle about 925 kilograms or 2039 pounds. The “H,” on the other hand, isn’t about secrecy at all; it stands for the tire’s speed rating. This tells you the top speed at which the tire can safely carry a load, up to 210 kilometers per hour or 130 miles per hour.

In this blog post, we’ll decode the “105H” marking on your tires. So buckle up as we explore what these numbers and letters really mean for you and your vehicle! Ready to become a tire deciphering expert? Let’s get rolling!

Understanding Tire Sidewall Markings

Ever wonder what all those letters and numbers on the sides of your tires mean? Well, let’s demystify them for you right here, right now. Your tire’s sidewall is like a mini-biography of its specifications and capabilities.

What Do These Markings Mean?

  1. Tire Size: The journey into understanding tire codes begins with the tire size, expressed in a sequence like “P215/65R15.” This might look like secret code at first, but it’s actually pretty straightforward:
    • “P” stands for passenger vehicle. You might also see “LT” for light trucks or “ST” for special trailers.
    • “215” is the width of the tire from one sidewall to the other in millimeters.
    • “65” represents the aspect ratio; that is, the height of the sidewall expressed as a percentage of the tire’s width.
    • “R” tells us the tire is built in a radial construction, which is your cue that it’s got layers radiating outward from the center.
    • “15” is the diameter of the wheel in inches that the tire fits on.
  2. Load Index and Speed Rating: Following the size, you’ll typically see something like “95S” or in our case, “105H”.
    • The number (e.g., 105) indicates the load index. This tells you how much weight the tire can handle when fully inflated. For instance, a load index of 105 translates to a maximum load capacity of about 925 kg (or 2039 lbs).
    • The letter (e.g., H) is the speed rating. This indicates the maximum speed the tire can safely handle while carrying the load. An “H” rating, for example, allows for speeds up to 210 km/h (or 130 mph).
  3. Treadwear, Traction, and Temperature Ratings: These additional ratings give you a heads-up on how well the tire handles wear and tear, how it performs in wet conditions, and its resistance to heat.

What Does 105H Mean?

Load Index (105):

The load index of a tire is a crucial numerical indicator that tells you how much weight each tire can safely support when properly inflated. A load index of 105 means that each tire can carry a maximum load of 2039 pounds.

It’s vital to match the load index to your vehicle’s weight requirements for optimal performance and safety. This ensures that the tires can handle the vehicle’s load without risking tire failure, which can lead to accidents. Always consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual or the placard on the driver’s side doorjamb to find the recommended load index for your tires.

Speed Rating (H):

The speed rating of a tire indicates the maximum speed at which the tire can safely carry a load corresponding to its load index. A tire with an “H” speed rating can safely travel up to 130 miles per hour.

Adhering to the speed rating is vital for maintaining the tire’s integrity and the vehicle’s handling at higher speeds.

It’s a measure designed to ensure that the tire can perform safely and effectively at specified speeds without risking damage or loss of vehicle control. Remember, just because your tire can handle high speeds doesn’t mean it’s safe to ignore speed limits; always follow legal and road conditions.

Understanding these ratings and respecting the guidelines they provide can significantly enhance your driving safety and the longevity of your tires.

Why is the 105H Code Important?

Understanding the “105H” code on your tire ensures you’re always driving safely! Here’s why it’s so crucial:

Safety Implications:

This number tells you the maximum weight your tire can safely support. For a tire with a load index of 105, each tire can carry up to 2039 pounds. Ensuring that your tires match the recommended load index for your vehicle means they can handle the weight of your car, passengers, and luggage without breaking a sweat. This is key to preventing tire overloading, which can lead to tire failure.

The “H” signifies that the tire can safely reach speeds up to 130 miles per hour. This rating ensures that the tire can perform under certain speed conditions without overheating, which is vital for maintaining good handling and avoiding accidents.

Consequences of Exceeding Limits:

  • If you exceed the load index, you might be asking too much of your tire’s carrying capacity, leading to tire strain or even a sudden blowout—imagine cruising down the highway and suddenly feeling your car jolt as a tire gives way!
  • Surpassing the speed rating can similarly spell trouble. The tire can become too hot, which might cause it to degrade prematurely or, worse, fail entirely while you’re driving, affecting your car’s ability to handle it safely and efficiently.


When you glance at your tire and see something like “105H,” it’s not just a random code. This is really important for keeping you safe on the road. The “105” part tells you how much weight each tire can safely support, which is crucial to avoid overloading your car. Overloading can cause tire failures, like blowouts, which you definitely don’t want to experience, especially at high speeds!

Speaking of speed, the “H” in “105H” indicates the top speed your tire can safely handle—up to 130 miles per hour. Staying within this limit is vital for preventing your tires from getting too hot, which can also lead to damage or accidents.

So, next time you’re checking out your tires, remember that these codes are there to help ensure you drive safely, keeping both your tires and your vehicle in top shape.


Which is better, T or H speed rating?

It depends on your driving needs. H-rated tires are better for higher speeds, supporting up to 130 mph, while T-rated tires support up to 118 mph. If you drive frequently on highways or at higher speeds, H-rated tires might be more suitable.

What does the 105H mean on 245 60r18 105H?

The “105H” on a 245/60R18 tire indicates a load index of 105 (able to carry 2039 pounds per tire) and a speed rating of H (safe up to 130 mph). This combination is part of the tire size notation, specifying the tire’s width, height, wheel diameter, and capacity for load and speed.

What does 105V mean on a tire?

The “105V” on a tire signifies that the tire has a load index of 105 (2039 pounds per tire) and a speed rating of V, which means it can safely handle speeds up to 149 mph.

Should I buy H or V-rated tires?

Choosing between H and V-rated tires should be based on your vehicle’s requirements and your typical driving conditions. V-rated tires are suitable for higher speeds (up to 149 mph), so if your vehicle is performance-oriented and you drive at high speeds, V-rated may be preferable. For regular driving conditions, H-rated tires (up to 130 mph) are typically adequate.

Can I fit V-rated tires instead of H?

Yes, you can fit V-rated tires instead of H-rated tires on your vehicle. V-rated tires are designed to handle higher speeds than H-rated ones and will provide more speed capability. Just ensure they are compatible with your vehicle’s specifications and intended use. Always consult your vehicle’s manufacturer or a tire expert to ensure compatibility and safety.