The squeaky noise from your brake pedal mostly occurs due to the friction created by two different parts of your brakes rubbing against each other. 

When it comes to the braking system in your car, we know you won’t want to take any chances.

This is why it is necessary to understand the causes of squeaky brake pedals.

In this article, we will assist you in determining why your brake pedal makes squeaky sounds and the best ways to fix it.

Squeaky Brake Pedal

Causes of a Squeaky Brake Pedal

1. Worn-out Brake Pad

For the system to operate safely and effectively, all components must work together, including the brake pads. Therefore, a faulty brake pad can affect how your vehicle performs. 

Over time, brake pads deteriorate just like any other machine and when you apply pressure to them, they will squeak. Worn-out pads are one of the most evident reasons why your brake pedal might squeak.  

This happens because the disc brake pads are constructed with a metal indicator that gives a loud warning when the pads are worn out.  

Therefore, if you consistently experience a squeaky brake pedal, especially when you are not driving, you will need to have your brake pad replaced.

2. Lack of Lubrication

A Teflon bushing that comes in contact with the rubber dust boot behind your brake pedal supports the pivot rod.

Therefore, when you apply pressure to the brake pedal, and there is no lubricant between it and the pivot rod you will hear a creaking noise due to the friction.

Also, when the fluid level is low, your brake pad won’t be able to grip the rotor less tightly. To achieve a smooth operation, your braking system would require enough brake fluid. 

3. Uneven Brake Rotor

The brake pads and calipers help in stopping the wheels when the brake rotors in your car’s braking system are applied to them.

Uneven brake rotors are frequent issues most drivers experience. And when this occurs, it may lead to a squeaky brake pedal.

Also, your car might become unsteady, and you will have trouble stopping as well.

Signs of an Uneven Brake Rotor

  1. Loud squeaking when braking
  2. A strong smell of burning rubber
  3. Inconsistent timing with braking
  4. Jerky and unsteady car when braking

4. Rust/ Dirty Brake

If your vehicle has a drum brake, you may need to check for dirt or rust if your brake pedal squeaks when released.  

Usually, when you step on the brake, the calipers hold and release the brake pad. But if there is dirt on your drum brake, the pedal won’t execute its job effectively.

As a result, the brake pedal would squeak since the calipers are not releasing. 

Symptoms of a Dirty Brake

  1. When you press the brake pedal, it vibrates or vibrates.
  2. Even when your automobile is not moving, using the brakes causes the brake pads to squeak.
  3.  When you brake, there is a metallic grinding sound.
  4. The brake feels spongy whenever you press it.

5. Damaged Hardware

Another reason why you have a squeaky brake pedal could be a result of damaged hardware–the clips. These clips help to hold the brake pads in place and prevent excessive pad movement by holding the pads firmly in place on the caliper.

Over time, the tension in the springs on the clip can be lost, and this will result in a squeaking sound when you brake. 

6. Loose Brake Cable 

If your car has a rear drum brake, then it could be that the brake cable is most likely loose. As a result of the loose wires, you may hear a creaking noise each time the brake pedal is pressed since it doesn’t contact the brakes properly. 

Therefore, you need to check and adjust the brake cable at every service interval.

7. Damaged Brake Line

An underbody sheet often protects your car’s brake line. Excessive use of this sheet can damage the brake line. 

When this happens, your brake system won’t perform as it should. So, when you press and release the brake pedal, it will make a squeaking noise.

How to Fix a Squeaky Brake Pedal

1. Grease the Teflon Bushing

At the back of your brake pedal is a rubber boot which is designed to keep dirt and grease away on the bushings. 

To reveal the white Teflon bushing, cautiously pull the boot toward the firewall. Then, lubricate the surface of the bushing with some synthetic grease.

The lubricant should be distributed evenly throughout the bushing by repeatedly pressing and releasing the brake pedal. 

To cover all the bushing’s dry-surfaced surfaces, you might need to repeat the application process multiple times over the following week.

2. Replace Brake Pads and Hardware

If you can identify that your brake pads are worn out, then the best way to fix them is to install a new brake pad. 

Also, when you install a new brake pad, you need to change the hardware. This includes replacing the pin boots if they are broken or damaged, as well as the slide pins, the pad clips, and the slide pins.

If the hardware for your pad clips wasn’t included with your brake pads, you can still buy them now.

Choosing higher-quality brake pads with integrated hardware is frequently the most economical course of action.

3. Consult a Mechanic

Take your vehicle to a professional and let the person handle the issue if you are still unable to identify the problem. A professional can help inspect your brake system and address any pending issues.

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There are several reasons why your brake pedal would squeak. This includes a lack of lubricant, dirty drum brakes, worn-out brake pads, etc. 

As a car owner/driver, you need to avoid taking any chances when it comes to your brakes. Otherwise, a small problem might become a far more costly brake repair.

When you hear a squeaky noise, especially when it lasts longer than a day, that means you need to get your vehicle checked by a professional.